AAL - Ambient Assisted Living at UNICAM

Joint Projects with

School of Science and Technology, Computer Science Division, UNICAM

School of Architecture and Design, Industrial Design, UNICAM

School Medicinal and Health Products, eHealth and Telemedicine, UNICAM

Main investigators:

Flavio Corradini, Emanuela Merelli Computer Science, University of Camerino

David Vitali, Physics, University of Camerino

Francesco Amenta, eHealth and Telemedicine, University of Camerino

Giuseppe Losco, Industrial Design, University of Camerino


UNICAM researcher efforts produced a solid cross-curricular group contributing to deliverknowledge and innovation in several complementary research lines and in sectors with higher futureexpansion. Consolidated competences on information and communications technologies (ICT),drug and health products, physics, architecture and design justify the current research efforts inUNICAM towards modern and innovative topics, such as Domotics, where it is preview a higherdemand for advanced technologies in the years ahead. A solid theoretical knowledge enforces andcomplements the technological one.Ambient Assisted Living cross-curricular research in UNICAM includes the following topics:

  • Ambient Intelligent: intelligent micro/macro sensors at home, biosensors, RFIDs, wearablecomputing for health monitoring systems, embedded systems inside household appliance.
  • Self-adaptive systems: autonomic, aware, self-learning and self-adaptive systems able togather knowledge and experience both from the environment and the user behaviour.
  • New materials and nanotechnologies: electro-mechanic devices and tools likenanocoatings, orthopedic footwear, implantable micro sensors, prosthesis, replacementdevices, wheelchairs.
  • ICT solutions for governance, public services and policy modeling: advanced ICT tools forpublic services and policy modeling, prediction of impacts, development of new governancemodels and collaborative solving of complex societal problems. New methods of customerinteraction or new types of value chains for independent living services and to improve theparticipation in social life.
  • Telehealth/Telecare/Remote assistance targeted to aged subjects. Telemedicine for remotediagnosis, biosensor for telemonitoring, physiological data mining for data analysis.
  • New housing units like robots: new active and reactive housing units for the disabled toimprove autonomy, and mobility of blind or elderly people in their daily lives.

    The UNICAM research on Ambient Assisted Living is carried out within several laboratorieslocated in Camerino and Ascoli Piceno, among which we mention CoSy Lab - The Laboratory ofComplex Systems Modeling & Simulation and UEG -the Laboratory of eGovernment InnovativeSolutions for PA.

    The eGovernment research group of UEG laboratory supports the Public Administration (PA)innovation and Government related processes. The group is involved in promoting the Informationsociety and the application of ICT into the PAs. The research activity is carried out in collaborationwith software houses, industrial companies, local PAs and private organizations having decennialexperience within the PA domain.

    The formal methods research group of CoSy laboratory acquired a considerable experience in thearea of modeling (analysis, design, functional and non-functional requirements verification, alsoformal by mathematical tools), developing and validation of software systems of high complexity(distributed, mobile, real-time, efficient, secure and embedded).

    The main objective of UNICAM is to become a national and international reference in research anddevelopment of the Ambient Intelligence Technologies, put into practice in the field of prevention,care and promotion of health and well-being of the citizens, support for the independent living andsocial inclusion, and in general the application of Ambient Intelligent paradigm to all servicesoriented to the citizens at all levels of the value chain: theoretical research, experimental researchand proof of concepts, technological development, training and education at a university level, andthe final technological transference to the society. Multidisciplinary projects in the above sense have been already (and successfully) proposed andcoordinated by UNICAM ranging from smart home to patient care. Recently, UNICAM is taking into account the integration of smart and self-adaptive environmentswith the study and the development of personal health systems for remote management of diseases,treatment and rehabilitation, outside hospitals and care centres. The attention ranges from the useof self-adaptive, self-calibrating and energy-efficient modules - based on non-invasive andpervasive devices and coupled with intelligent (for instance semantics) platforms and Web Services- to automatic techniques for elaborating and analyzing the acquired data, in conjunction withestablished or newly created medical knowledge, for shared patient-doctor decision supportsystems. Also the participation of UNICAM to the Virtual Physiological Human Network ofExcellence will support the study and experimentation of new computational paradigms for “Future ICT for a personalised, predictive and integrative remote control of life and health”.Also the development of patient guidance services for personalised management of health status isunder consideration. This topic involves the semantic integration of patient health data into aElectronic Health Record (EHR) system, that is ubiquitously and securely accessible by patients andtheir physicians and includes an environment for their cooperation. Both objectives can naturally stress competences on Web Services, pervasive computing andsemantic knowledge management, which have been already (and successfully) exploited in previousUNICAM projects.




    School of Computer Science, Artificial intelligent and Virtual Environment Lab., Reykjavik Universty

    Hannes Hogni Vilhjalmsson CADIA, Reykjavik University

    Faculty of Informatics, Software Engineering Lab., University of Lugano

    Mauro Pezze', Software Engineering Lab., University of Lugano

    Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook, State University of New York

    Scott Smolka, Radu Grosu, Ezio Bartoci Computer Science, Stony Brook University