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algebraicrna [2019/04/30 13:45]
stefano Submission deadline extended
algebraicrna [2019/07/02 19:06] (current)
stefano Deadlines updated
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 {{anchor:​toc}} {{anchor:​toc}}
   - [[#​aims|Aims and scope]]   - [[#​aims|Aims and scope]]
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   * Nanoparticles for RNA delivery   * Nanoparticles for RNA delivery
-[[#toc|☝back to TOC]]+<block button>[[#toc|^]]</​block>​
 {{anchor:​submission}} {{anchor:​submission}}
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 </​block>​ </​block>​
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 {{anchor:​publication}} {{anchor:​publication}}
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 {{anchor:​dates}} {{anchor:​dates}}
-  * Submission deadline: <fc #​ff0000><​del>​1 May 2019</​del>​ 15 May 2019 (EXTENDED)</​fc>​ +  * Submission deadline: <fc #​ff0000><​del>​1 May 2019</del> <del>15 May 2019</​del>​ **9 June 2019 (FINAL)** </​fc>​ 
-  * Notification to authors: 1 June 2019 +  * Notification to authors: ​<del>1 June 2019</​del>​ <​del>​30 June 2019</​del>​ **10 July 2019** ​ 
-  * Camera-ready version for the proceedings:​ 1 July 2019+  * Camera-ready version for the proceedings: ​<del>1 July 2019</​del>​ <​del>​14 July 2019</​del>​ **20 July 2019** ​
   * Conference: 4 - 6 September 2019   * Conference: 4 - 6 September 2019
   * Special Session: available soon.   * Special Session: available soon.
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 {{anchor:​selection}} {{anchor:​selection}}
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 {{anchor:​contacts}} {{anchor:​contacts}}
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 For any request, please contact us through our Facebook page ([[https://​m.me/​AlgebraicRNA|m.me/​AlgebraicRNA]]) or by email at [[stefano.maestri@unicam.it|stefano.maestri@unicam.it]]. For any request, please contact us through our Facebook page ([[https://​m.me/​AlgebraicRNA|m.me/​AlgebraicRNA]]) or by email at [[stefano.maestri@unicam.it|stefano.maestri@unicam.it]].
-[[#toc|☝back to TOC]]+<block button>[[#toc|^]]</​block>​
 {{anchor:​cochairs}} {{anchor:​cochairs}}
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 Michela Quadrini, University of Camerino, Italy Michela Quadrini, University of Camerino, Italy
-[[#toc|☝back to TOC]]+<block button>[[#toc|^]]</​block>​
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