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events [2019/03/20 13:55]
stefano New "Upcoming Events" section created; CIBB 2019 event added
events [2019/03/27 11:14] (current)
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 ====== Events ​ ====== ====== Events ​ ======
-==== Upcoming Events ​====+<fs large; fw:bold>Upcoming Events</fs>
-   * [[:​algebraicrna#here|Algebraic and Computational Methods for The Study of RNA Behaviour]]\\ CIBB 2019 Special Session ​Bergamo, 4-6 September 2019+   * [[:​algebraicrna|Algebraic and Computational Methods for The Study of RNA Behaviour]] ​CIBB 2019 Special Session\\ Bergamo, 4-6 September 2019 
 +   * [[http://​pages.di.unipi.it/​datamod/​edition-2019/​|DataMod 2019]] - 8th International Symposium "From Data to Models and Back (DataMod)",​ 7-8 October 2019 in Porto (Portugal), satellite event of the [[http://​formalmethods2019.inesctec.pt/​|3rd World Congress on Formal Methods]]
 ---- ----
 +<fs large; fw:​bold>​Past Events</​fs>​
   * The Lab is at [[http://​www.confindustriamarketplace.it|MarketplaceDay 2017]] as partner of [[http://​dare-project.eu|project DA.RE]] with [[http://​www.loccioni.com/​|Loccioni Group]] and [[http://​www.confindustria.an.it|Confindustria Ancona]] - {{ :​tda_marketplace_rev2_1_.pdf |Watch Our Slides (PDF)}} or ({{ :​tda_marketplace_rev2_1_.pptx |PowerPoint}}) ​   * The Lab is at [[http://​www.confindustriamarketplace.it|MarketplaceDay 2017]] as partner of [[http://​dare-project.eu|project DA.RE]] with [[http://​www.loccioni.com/​|Loccioni Group]] and [[http://​www.confindustria.an.it|Confindustria Ancona]] - {{ :​tda_marketplace_rev2_1_.pdf |Watch Our Slides (PDF)}} or ({{ :​tda_marketplace_rev2_1_.pptx |PowerPoint}}) ​