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software [2017/03/31 20:46]
software [2022/12/13 17:07] (current)
luca [Github Repository]
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-====== ​DISPAS 2.0 ======+====== ​GitHub Repository ​======
-Dispas 2.0 is an agent-based simulator for fish stock evaluation. It has been implemented focusing to the stock of common sole of the Noerthern ​and Central Adriatic See.  ​+[[https://​github.com/​bdslab|Bioshape ​and Data Science Lab]]
-====== jHoles ====== 
-jHoles is a tool for topological data analysis. More details on the [[http://​www.jholes.eu|website]]+====== TaxonClassifier ======
 +[[https://​github.com/​bdslab/​TaxonClassifier|TaxonClassifier]] is a tool for automatic taxonomy reconstruction via agglomerative clustering. ​
 +  * Quadrini, Michela; Tesei, Luca; Merelli, Emanuela (2022): Benchmark of 5S, 16S and 23S rRNA Secondary Structures. figshare. Dataset. [[https://​doi.org/​10.6084/​m9.figshare.20731783.v1]]
 +  * Quadrini, Michela; Tesei, Luca; Merelli, Emanuela (2022): Automatic Generation of Pseudoknotted RNAs Taxonomy. Submitted, Under Revision. The work introduces the benchmark linked above.
-Page under construction.+ 
 +====== ASPRAlign ====== 
 +[[https://​github.com/​bdslab/​aspralign|ASPRAlign]] is a command line tool for Algebraic Structural Pseudoknot RNA Alignment. 
 +  * Quadrini, M., Tesei, L. & Merelli, E. An algebraic language for RNA pseudoknots comparison. BMC Bioinformatics 20 (Suppl 4), 161 (2019). [[https://​doi.org/​10.1186/​s12859-019-2689-5]] 
 +  * Michela Quadrini, Luca Tesei, Emanuela Merelli, ASPRAlign: a tool for the alignment of RNA secondary structures with arbitrary pseudoknots,​ Bioinformatics,​ Volume 36, Issue 11, June 2020, Pages 3578–3579,​ [[https://​doi.org/​10.1093/​bioinformatics/​btaa147]] 
 +  * [[https://​github.com/​bdslab/​aspralign/​tree/​master/​download|Download]] the last version of ASPRAlign 
 +====== jHoles ====== 
 +[[https://​www.jholes.eu/​|jHoles]] is a tool for topological data analysis. 
 +====== DISPAS 2.0 ====== 
 +Dispas 2.0 is an agent-based simulator for fish stock evaluation. It has been implemented focusing on the stock of common sole of the Noerthern and Central Adriatic See.