Emanuela Merelli's Talks
- Invited talk at NETTAB Workshop on Methods, tools & platforms for Personalized Medicine in the Big Data Era, Topological Field Theory of Data: a new venue for Biomedical Big Data Analysis, Palermo, 13 October 2017.
- Talk at Open Problems in Concurrency Theory, Wien, 26-29 June 2017
- Invited talk at Workshop on Compositionality, A Topological Approach to Compositionality in Complex Systems, Simon Institute Berkeley, 12 December 2016.
- Invited talk at DyM-CS CCS2016, On Topological Characterization of Complex Systems, Amsterdam, 21 September 2016.
- Tutorial at WDWeb 2016, Topological Data Analisys, (in collaboration with M,. Quadrini, M. Piangerelli). Cagliari, 10 September 2016.
- Invited talk at DataMod workshop, Topological Field Theory of Data: a program towards a novel strategy for mining data through data language, Wien, 7th July 2016.
- Invited talk at 9th EAI International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (formerly BIONETICS), The Topological Field Theory of Data: a program towards a novel strategy for mining data through data language, New York, December 2015.
- Invited talk at 3rd Annual Next Generation Sequencing Data Congress, Non locality, topology, formal languages: new global tools to handle large data sets, London, 15th June 2015.
- Invited talk at FET Unit, Topological field theory of data, Brussels, 27th March 2015.
- Invited talk at Multiscale Modelling and Computing Workshop at Lorentz Center, From Topology to Formal Languages: a multiscale analysis of large data set, Leiden, 11th April 2013.
- Invited talk at AI*IA workshop on n Technological Challenges and Scenarios of the Ageing Society, Self-adaptive systems for Ageing and Quality of Life, Mondello, 15th September 2011.
- Lecture at the Doctoral School on Ultra Large Scale Systems, Agent-based modeling in Systems Biology, a specific case study of ultra large scale systems, Bari, 28th September 2010.
- Invited talk at HSCB, Hybrid Systems Approaches to Computational Biology, Model Checking Biological Oscillators , San Francisco, 16th April 2009.
- Seminar at BioInfoGrid Symposium, Orion: an agent-oriented framework for systems biology, Milan, 10 December 2007
- Seminar at Stony Brook, Agent-based modelling for biological systems: spatial an mobility aspects , Dept. of Computer Science, 8th November 2007
- Lecture at school for graduate students in systems biology at Pisa University, Agent-based modelling and simulation in systems biology , Pisa, Italy, 18th October 2007.
- Seminar at Reykjavik, Agent-based modelling for biological systems: mobility aspects , School of Computer Science, 18th September 2007
- Tutorial at NETTAB 2006, Agents in bioGRID computing, (in collaboration with E. Bartocci). Santa Margherita di Pula, 13th July, 2006
- Seminar at Plenary Meeting of HealthAgent Project, BioAgent: an activity-based programming environment for eScientists, Barcelona, 28th Janaury 2006.
- Seminar at ISIBio in Paris, Oncology over Internet - O2I
integrating data and analysis by workflow
(with a glance to agents role), Institut Pasteur, 12th Dicember 2005
- Seminar at First Workshop on E-Governament Ontologies, On the use of Ontologies for Information Systems Interoperability, Sirolo 14 Ottobre 2005.
- Presentation at BioMed 2005, Validating BioMAS models with mutation , Utrecth, 25th July 2005
- Presentation at ICCSA 2005, A Multi-agent System for Modelling Carbohydrate Oxidation in Cell , Singapore, 9th May 2005
- Lecture at the 5th International School Formal Methods for Mobile Computing, Agent-Based Middleware for Mobile Computing, Bertinoro, 30th April 2005.
- Seminar at Stanford University, Agents in Bioinformatics, Center for Biomedical Computation, 1st February 2005
- Presentation at CPN-Coordination and Petri Nets A Process Algebra View of Coordination Models with a Case Study in Computational Systems Biology Bologna 21 June 2004
- Presentation at CPN-Coordination and Petri Nets Workflow as Composition of Domain-Specific Languages Bologna 21 June 2004
- Presentation at TAPOCS-Theory And Practice of Open Computational Systems
FarMAS: a MAS for Extended Quality Workflow, Modena 14 June 2004
- Seminar at Merck KGaA IMAB: An Intelligent Mobile Agents platform for BioData manipulation, Darmstad, 21st June 2001
- Presentation at First Workshop on NETTAB 2001 An Intelligent Agents Architecture for DNA-microarray Data Integration, Genova, 17 May 2001.
- Presentation at A tabu search method guided by a shifting bottleneck for a job shop scheduling Barcelona 1998
- Presentation at IEEE, 7th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Standardizing the presentation layer. why and what?, Berlin, 1987
- Tutorial at VII IFIP International Symposium on Protocol Specication, Testing and Verication, ASN.1 in the ISO/OSI-RM , Zurigo 5-8 Maggio 1987.
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Emanuela Merelli
School of Science and Technology
Computer Science
University of Camerino
62032 Camerino, Italy
+39 (0737) 402567