Editor of special issues for TCS and ICALP conference proceedings:
TOPDRIM4Bio 2015 Topology-driven bio-inspired methods and models for complex systems. December 3rd, 2015 in New York. -- Affiliated to BIONETICS15: 9th International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies
Member of Steering Committee and Program Committees
ICALP, International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming
Advisor of Doctoral Candidates
Roberta AlfieriPhD in 2010. Thesis on "Modelling Apoptosis with Hybrid Automata" supported by CNR
Ezio Bartocci (Prof.TU) Wien University of Technology
Member of Scientific Associations
to Nadia Busi
EATCS-TOPDRIM Young Resercher School 2015 on Understanding COMPLEXITY and CONCURRENCY through TOPOLOGY of DATA. July 13th-22nd, 2015 in Camerino
CS2Bio 2013 Florence and CS2Bio2014 Berlin
ICTCS 2010 12th Italian Confernce on Theoretical Computer Science, September 15-17, 2010
FBTC'08, FBTC'07 FBTC 2010 , 3rd Workshop "From Biology To Concurrency and back", 27 March, 2010
MAS&Bioinformatics 2008, MAS*BIOMED 2005, WOA'05, NETTAB'04, NETTAB'02
TOPONETS 2015 Topology & Networks. June 2-3, 2015 in Zaragoza -- Affiliated to NetScI'15
CS2BIO series, VPH series, WOA series, NETTAB series , MAS*BIOMED series , HSB'12, CompMod'11, RISI series, RelSOC'11
Barbara Thoessen (Prof. FHNW) PhD in 2012. Thesis on Automatic Generation of Metadata co-supervised by Prof. Knut Heinkelman FHNW
Nicola Paoletti (Prof.) PhD in 2014. Thesis on Formal Methods for Heirarchical and Multiscale Modelling with Applications to Bone Remodelling supported by IOR.
Pierluigi Penna PhD in 2014. Thesis on Modelling and Simulation of Fishes EcoSystem in collaboration with the Istituto di Scienze Marine, CNR
Matteo Rucco Phd in 2016. Thesis on Topology-driven modelling of complex systems supported by Loccioni Group
Marco Piangerelli Phd in 2017. Thesis on Modelling adaptive systems: the case study of the emergence of epilepsy supported by A TLC Group & abmedica
Adane Mamuye (Ass.Prof.) PhD in 2017. Thesis on Formal Languages and Data Analysis, the study of RNA Folding supported by TOPDRIM project.
Michela Quadrini PhD in 2019. Thesis on Computational Topology and Data Analysis, the study of RNA Shapes supported by TOPDRIM project.
Stefano Maestri (Ass.Prof.) PhD in 2020. Thesis on Systems Biology and Formal Methods, the study of Neuron Machine supported by Bioshape and Data Science Lab
Sahil Imtiyaz(XXXIV). On-going PhD. Thesis on Contextual Semantics supported by Bioshape and Data Science Lab
Daniele Marchei (XXXVI).On-going PhD. Thesis on Knot theory in computation supported by Bioshape and Data Science Lab
Mentor or MSc supervisor
Leonardo Mariani (Prof.) Milano Bicocca University, IT - ERC Starting Grant
Davide Lorenzoli (PhD) City University London, University, UK
Michele Marchetti NOKIA Research Center, Helsinki
Michele Mattioni (PhD) EMBL-EBI, European Bioinformatics Institute, UK
Claudio Forcato (PhD) University of Padova, IT
Claudio Pedica CADIA - Reykjavik University
Marco Mori (PhD) Institute for Advanced Studies, IMT - Lucca, IT
Leonardo Vito (PhD) freelense University of Camerino
Fabio Tordini (PhD) University of Torino
Marianna Taffi (PhD) Thesis on Modelling and Simulation of the eco-tossicological and environmental aspects of pesticides supported by Istituto di Scienze Marine, CNR
Last modified: May 2022