At the BioShape and Data Science Lab, we were studying and developing new methods and models for the analysis and simulation of complex systems for contributing to the following projects:
EU-COST Actions IC1405 RevComp, Reversible Computation: extending horizons of computing
DA.RE: Data Science Pathways to re-imagine education, EU Erasmus+ KA2 Project (2016-2019)
TOPDRIM : Topology driven methods for multilevel complex systems, EU FP7 FET Project (2012-2016)
AALISABETH : Ambient-Aware LIfeStyle tutor, Aiming at a BETter Health, Region Marche funds
RITMARE: Italian Flagship Project (Fishing-Commercial Stock Modeling)
Ambient Assisted Living for Active Aging - within the EU JADE project: "Joining innovative Approaches for the integration and Development of transnational knowledge of clusters policies related to independent of Elderly", FP7-Capacities n.266422, 2011-2013
Multiscale Bone Remodelling in collaboration with Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli
UbioLab and eGOV-Resourceome and Cruiser
, supported by Region MarcheData-Models-Forcasts-Validation, a multi-level approach, in collaboration with Civil Protection of Regione Marche, Italy
LITBIO: Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Technologies in Bioinformatics (FIRB/MIUR), The Unicam LITBIO Lab. (2005-2010)
Resourceome : A web-based Semantic Tool for Resources Management and Knowledge Representation a project flyer
HERMES & BioAgent: Agent-based middleware for mobile computing
O2I: Oncology over Internet -- Strategic/MIUR
SICOM SIstemi COoperativi e Multiagente (Italian)
Last modified: May 2022